Monday, December 6, 2004

first day

today was the first day of the new semester. i expected it to be horrid. i woke up only at 7 so i rushed out of elaine's house, said bye to the twins (who were so cute!!!) and took a cab down to school. in the cab i was praying that i would not be late and that the fare would not be a bomb. and thank God both my prayers were answered. well then i went for the classes which i was dreading and it wasn't so bad after all. the first lecture was social psychology, followed by written communication then i had lunch break. i ate with grace as usual. i dunno why but the only person i find in my class that i can have a real convo with is grace. i dunnno why. am i antisocial??? okie then after lunch i had radio production. the lecturer makes it sound so fun. then came principles of marketing. well. the lecturer was JLO. apparently he's supposed to be a bastard as he calls himself. but i really enjoyed his lecture. it was very personal, something new. i'm gonna be looking forward to his class. oh wells. then i had french and i really had fun. then my day turned sour after school. i almost got knocked down by a car and it was really close i mean really close. i turned pale. then after that i tried to read my paper but i totally could not absorb nor understand anything. maybe it was the after shock but either way i'm too frustrated. i have to write a paragraph about a good paragraph and i dunno how to go about it. sigh. i dunno. and my sisters who are supposed to be back home aren;t back home yet. messed up day. started sour, turned sweet then sour again. sounds like a unripe fruit ripening then rotting. what the heck...
anyway yest was good. i liked the service. the worship was really good. the preaching was enlightening everything. it was just like a whole new thing altogether. it was awesome. well. i hope every sunday would be like this. a whole new thing. heh. well. after church the youth had lunch together and fanny, janice, anna, steph and i were suppsed to go catch a movie but there were no show times so forget it. we - the chen sisters went to elaine's house. it was fun. the twins were so cute. yea i'm not really in a mood now so yea. au revior.