Saturday, October 30, 2004

yupz. i'm bored. i've grown fat. seriuosly. i need NEED exercise. desperately. yest i went out to meet germ and i watched cellular. its a really good show. it was funny and thrilling ta the same time. i mean how often do you get that? its worth my money. hahahs. plus the guy was hot. CHRIS EVANS. yea. hahas. it was a good movie. oh i met meishan. she looks so diff! so much more prettier. much more girlie. well she's doing good i think. looks like. hmmm. yeap. gah then we played pool. heh. SHIT HAPPENS. hahahs. okie then i bought the new tim hughes album. really nice. i like it alot. alot. i love this song especially. its called when the tears fall. it just such a beautiful song. here's the lyrics.

i've had questions, without answers / i've known sorrow, i've known pain / but there's one thing that i'll cling to / you are faithful, Jesus You're true / when hope is lost, i'll call You Saviour / when pain surrounds, i'll call You Healer / when silence falls, You'll be the song within my heart / in the lone hour of my sorrow / through the darkest night of my soul / You surround me and sustain me / my defender, forevermore / i will praise You, i will praise You / when the tears fall, still i will sing to You / i will praise You, Jesus praise You / though the suffering still i will sing

written by tim hughes copyright 2003 Thankyou Music / PRS / Admin. by Songs for the world excluding the UK and Europe which is admin by Kingsway Music

Thursday, October 28, 2004

bleah i dun realy feel like saying anything. i went to see the twins today. they look diff. but still as cute as ever. oh wells. yeap. i went down to the childcare today and i just love jeremy and kynan. so cute too!!! kynan is a genius and jeremy is so clueless bout everything but has such a sweet smile. so adorable!!! yeap. the chris tomlin album is nice. --ARRIVING-->


From the highest of heights
To the depths of the sea
creation's revealing Your majesty
From colors of fall
To the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique
And the song that it sings
All exclaiming...

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untamable
Awestruck we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God

Who has told every lightning bolt
Where it should go?
Or seen heavenly storehouses
Laden with snow?
And gives source to its light?
Yet conceals it to bring us the
coolness of night
None can fanthom...

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart
And You love me the same
You are amazing, God


written by Laura Story
Additional lyrics by Jesse Reeves
copyrights 2004
Songs / sixsteps Music /
Gleaning Publishing (ASCAP)
Admin. by EMI CMG Publishing

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

so annoying.'

gah. so irritated. damn. okie it like i was talking on the phone until 4 yest then i went to sleep. so then i was woken up by ple shouting at like 10. its so annoying. grrrrr. okie then so i couldn't sleep so i just went out. then anna was watching tv so what the heck. i just sat there. then we popped in infernal affairs. yea and after we finished watching. the whole shouting saga began again. gah! *pulls hair out of her head* then that woman went to call mom and blah blah blah. and who gets nagged at???? ME!! how annoying right. gees. so now i like just read my bible so ahhhh. i'm cool. the french bible is like way cool. hahahha. lol! at least i can understand that little.

Car la justice de Dieu y est révélée sur le principe de la foi pour la foi, selon qu'il est écrit:
"Or le juste vivra de foi".

which is ...

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written.
The just shall live by faith.

and yes!!! it is from Romans 1:17. okay whatever. hahas. well well. k k i bettter get going, doing whatever i'm suppoed to do. ciaos.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


hahas okie i woke up about 8plus today. set my alarm at 9 but pounced up at 830. well then so i switched on the tv and the vcr and watched america's next top model and hmmm 24. well well. then i was like frantically finding for the infernal affairs vcd but i couldn't find it. so what the heck i watch MVP valentine. hahahha cos of yanxingshu duh. his hair is like so much better short. lol!k k so i left the house late. so i reached town late but guess what they were even later. okie so we ate at gelare's. sucked. i was so sick of the food. i could literally puke it out. k k. then we talked and shopped. we all didn't like buy stuff. we just walked around aimless all so deaed beat. oh wells. then von was so tired i think she should have gone home so i let her and poh kwan go. so then that left jo and i. she was waiting for her dad to come fetch her so we went shopping somemore. and then i finally bought something. a small little dainty purse. from littlematchgirl. its so cute and sweet i love it. hahas then we went into this shop which had like all this ethnic mix modern stuff. so cool. LURVE IT. hahs. we saw aloot of stuff we liked but didn't buy any. then her dad came. then i went shopping alone. i find being a loner is nice. well get sometime alone. its fun. refreshing. i bought a tank from zara for only 12 bucks. okie its like dark brown. nice huh. then i didn't feel like staying in town anymore i went home. then on the train i just felt like not going home so i called my sister and it so happened she was on the same train! hooray. so we went to jurong point okie whatever. we went to jennyfer's and found abercrombie and fitch shirts! awesome huh! they're genuine okie. then we like bought three tops and then we went down to esprit. loooked at stuff... they are all so pretty!!! but no money. oh wells. whatever. then we came back home and watched tv. first it was punk'd then it was extreme gourmet then it was the champion, hurrah! just that his hair is so awful. okie okie. then it was CSI. i love that show. its like way cool. forensic science. sigh. i wish. oh wells. then i'm here. oh i finally got the cd to load pics from my phone to the comp so hurrah! byeesss!!!

Monday, October 25, 2004

today was nothing
yesterday was something
the sulitios are leaving the church
i don't want them to go
they've really been something in my life
i'm gonna miss them alot
auntie leelee, sarah, joelle and christian
i really hope there was a way to start all over
erase the past few months
and live it again
and in that way they can be given the chance
just that chance to turn the other way
if only such were the case
crying cannot turn back time
if only it could
it just hurts to see them go
i want them to stay
i really want them to stay
but i guess its not going to happen
i'll miss them alot

Saturday, October 23, 2004

i bought shoes

okie i went to church early today just becos daniel thought he would have to go back camp. grumbles. okie so i had breakfast at ikea. so so so filling! music prac after that. playing the keyboard. went to get ballet shoes and then OFF TO THE SHOE SALE! hahah it was so funny. elaine was so excited! hahah k k so i bought just one pair of those pointy shoes. its pink and white. pretty cool. after that i went for lunch at BK then went to meet angeline, PQ and tiff!!! hahah we just walkede and walked and did not buy anything. okie only a vcd anyone hrd of it??? i think its nice. ethan hawke. well. okie we took pics and pics and walked and walked and sat down to drink and snack! oh oh!!! i saw that guy again!!! GAGS! angeline and i were just talking bout him and then he just appeared. the 4th time already. i was like asking angeline to look and she was like didn't want to. i had to force her. hahaha yea. today we saw like tons of ex-STC ple. we were like having a reunion in town lol!so fun! well i didn't manage to get a handbag and tops or a music CD. sigh always like that. bleah. hahah k k i got nothing to say. oh i cut my thumb. quite badly. like just cut right down witha knife. so yea haha. byesssss....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


my desktop is pink.
lol! i'm just crazy.
but its nice. my start bar too.
lol! and so is my title bars.
hahahaha so cool.
i think i'm gonna meet anna later
go JP to get some stuff
i dunno i think i'm gonna cont, french
should i?
meeting tiff, PQ and gel on thurs i think
not sure yet
we dun even know what we're gonna do
oh wells. i can't wait to get my results
hope i do well.
if i don't just dun fail.
happy to pass.
although its a little disappointing.
i just watch ALONG CAME POLLY again
its so funny.
hahaha. oh wells.
still listening to that song.
you like never get tired of it.

Monday, October 18, 2004

i wrote a new song.its called EVER I WILL PRAISE YOU. here it goes.

I love You, Lord, my strength
I love You, Lord, my God
I will praise Your name
Ever I will sing Your praise

There is none like You
You are awesome O God
There is none like You
Holy are You Lord
There is none like You
Worthy is Your name
Ever I will sing Your praise
Ever I will sing Your praise

copyrights 2004 abigail chen jieyi

yeap i was just sitting there singing whatever songs i felt like singing.
i was with my guitar and then i just started to sing this song
i thought it was just some other song then i realised that it was a new song
so i rushed for my book and i penned it down
ever i will sing Your praise? no matter where You are
what point in life You are at
Singing God's praise is something You can always do
he's so awesome, so holy, so worthy
why not?
well i feel all holy today
but u can't blame me
i was listening to the more i seek you the whole night last night
then i was singing it the whole day today
its just such a beautiful song
i mean its like WOW!
especially after watching the interview
its like WHAMP!
it can really just make you cry.
i got nothing more to say.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

awesome? not.

the twins didn't come to church today
i miss them!
they're so cute and sweet i want to cuddle them!
i can hear pearl harbour from here!
so sad!!!! ahhhh!!!!
i want to cry!
sob sob sob sob sob.
stupid sad show, so annoying.
oh wells
today was okay.
went to church.
yay! i used TAYLOR.
hahahah so fun.
lol! Gary played with me.
Good or bad, u decide.
but i know what i know.
well nat and amy came today
heh. and we were gonna try amy's trick on dan
we all like expected to him to say "i'm handsome."
but he didn't so disappointing.
i got the Glorious cd and the Josh Groban - Closer album!
both AWESOME albums.
hahah well so we tried the "there's something on ur chin" trick
but it didn't work on dan.
cos he just refused to believe there was anything there
so whatever then we tried on anna soo
it was so funny
then on auntie theresa. ahhaha!
she was like touching her whole face asking "where? where?"
hilarious! lol! i was like laughing so hard.
i think anyone who saw me then would think i'm mad.
kies kies. hols are in and school is out.
that's like wayyyyyyy cool.
oh i wanna learn hip hop!!!
someone! help! i need a place to learn it first.
hahas and money too of cos. lol!
yay! just another few days and i'm gonna get my allowance! yay!
money! money!
not that i'm so money minded.
but im stony broke. i mean STONY.
yea like rock bottom stony.
sucks aye? can't do no nothing.
welll then i shall do anything.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

my confession

"My Confession"

I have been blind, unwilling to see
The true love you're giving.
I have ignored every blessing.
I'm on my knees confessing

That I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning,
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.

I have been wrong about you.
Thought I was strong without you.
For so long nothing could move me.
For so long nothing could change me.
Now I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am captured by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning,
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.

You are the air that I breath.
You're the ground beneath my feet.
When did I stop believing?

Cause I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.
Hear my confession


yes! exams are over!!! okay i only had one exam but still?! it still something to celebrate! hahhah. lol! oh well. the paper was fine. can pass definately. now its whether i do well or not. but i hope i do. heh! k k then i went to meet jo after the paper. we were like walking around ikea God knows doing what. hahhh so we got boreed of ikea and went down to church. then my mum asked her the same qn everytime she comes so she was like. right. hahah k k so today i'm supposed to go church early to teach sarah soo keyboard. God help me. anyway alot has happened lately and i've found out alot of stuff that i didn't know and would have never known. well. its either a blessing or a curse. but i shall soon find out. oh wells. heh! holidays! can;t wait to go thailand! WHEEE!~ haha. k k everyone thinks i'm crazy. i am... NOT. just happy. k k i was talking with my sisters late at night. and really alot of funny things came up. hmmm. oh wells. midnight chats always are funny and crazy. so well. k k i gtg.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

tmr is the day
was supposed to study
but i didn't
sad aye? sigh
all i did was
edit edit edit
but it was an excellent job
right darren?
yea i dunno
i shall just study what i can
tmr go there
pray and take the exam
hope God will carry me thru'
oh well well well
i'm going thailand end of nov
i love it there.
yea. anyways.
getting late.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

i'm sick! ugh!

hmmm GREAT.
i'm sick.
woke up this morning with a heavy head.
i thought i'll be good by noon.
no i wasn't.
ugh. sign of being overworked.
actually i was supposed to be awake only at 830
but thanks to daniel i was awake at 730!
that's like and hr of sleep.
k k so i went to collect my specs.
i look a little wierd, but other than that,
its cool.
went down to school for filming.
then i went to meet tiff - my motivation for even leaving the house
tiff see how much i love you! haha
k k i watched calcium kid.
hahah its like so funny...

" nothing's out of reach if you got long arms."

how true. haha!
k k then so i went home after that.
then i watched jersey girl.
its like nice too.
a lil adult convos
but its nice.
then i went to sleep.
until like 7plus
woke up to eat dinner.
its like what a day.
doesn;t sound as sucky as it really is.
so yea. oh well.
k k i better get going. ciao.

Monday, October 11, 2004

the more i seek You
the more i find You
the more i find You
the more i love You

i wanna sit at Your feet
drink from the cup in Your hand
lean back against You and breathe
feel Your heart beat
this love is so deep
it's more than i can stand
i melt in Your peace
it's overwhelming

this song is stuck in my head. thanks to daniel.
ugh. sleep, wake, eat, drink, swim... its still there.
oh wells. i studied alot today.
very proud of that.
went to swim again.
exercise sure feels good.
well well i borrowed calcium kid and jersey girl
haha can watch it tmr after locvd
yay! getting my specs tmr.
heh. i really dun feel like doing locvd.
EVER. its like BORING!
ah i dunno what else to say.
america's next top model later.
after that. ALIAS 3.
certainly a TV junkie.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

sometimes it takes alot to learn
love is there at every turn
grace is found in every passing moment
mercy gives a second chance
faithfulness just never ends
when you're walking on the road to redemption

nice lyrics aye?
well well. it gets stuck in your head.
k k my bro took my phone and left me his.
its good.
lol. get to play with his cam.
haha. oh well.
and i look like a les.
cos of all the pics of kristin and mischa inside.
hmmm i'm gonna study tmr.
gonna work hard. very hard.
oohhh. i got an A on my locvd written test.

Saturday, October 9, 2004

well i'm gonna work hard
exam next fri
i'm working on it
i am i am
i hope to do well for LOCVD
and for SPEECH COMM too
i give up on GRAPH COMM
although it took all my money
well well SAB
i hope at least a B
SNW i can just be ready for an AD
well well
school school school
grades grades grades
study study study

Friday, October 8, 2004

so cute!

k k i'm at elaine's place now. using her ibook to blog. man! shua and leb are so cute. feel like kidnapping them. heh! oh well. i know my mum is back. my dad? i dunno. but shld be la. oh well i'm utterly broke. and that is like the worst thing that can happen to me now. cos i gotta reshoot! totally sucks. i know. well. i really dunno. sigh. its sad you know. sigh. well. harvey did not give us our results back. he said it'll be on MEL. whatever, he's like so lazy. ugh. the babies are sound asleep now. awwww... they look so angelic. well yest i had a talk with elaine. it was late in the night. well i was kinda shocked at certain stuff she said. so haha! well. that reminds me. my sisters are in DEEP SHIT! whatever u guys told mom. i'll kill you all. we're just friends okay!!! understand FRIENDS! not the ross and rachel kinda friends but the monica and rachel kinda friends. u guys watch ur bloody mouths. ESPECIALLY anna. i can tell mom anytime i want to. so WATCH IT! so annoying. UGH! well i cant wait for next fri. it'll be all OVER! ah then hols then on to next sem. i'm jjust waiting for the hols. muahahhaah. heh. well. i dun have anything else to say so. ciaos. before i go... anna, stephie, sarah and andrea. watch ur BIG mouths.

Monday, October 4, 2004

for my speech comm paper!

k k i'm estactic bout that
super estatic
yay school's out
cos i only have one exam
next friday
i am not going for editting
on wednesday
i don't care
i've done more than
my fair share of work
and i deserve a break
well speech comm
today was okay
i was good
sigh have to go back on thurs
just to collect locvd results
harvey so slow
must have been hung over
from one of his pyjama parties
watching white chicks on wed
watch wimbeldon already
staying over at elaine's place
on thurs to either fri or sat
hmmm k k
i dunno wad else
i'm tired - sounds familiar?
k k shall go find something to do

Sunday, October 3, 2004


i almost died today
i almost got knocked down by a car
it woke me up
good thing it didn't put me to sleep
i waited for grace
she came and we went to starbucks to do our speech
bought coffee at the expense of my head
sat down to do my speech
and i saw this guy
damn good looking
i was so totally checking him out
and my eyes were like glued on him
then he walked off with his gf
then i realised he was the guy who i was drooling over when i was working
the one that walked in quite late
and the gf had a special order
i remember gel standing there mopping the same spot for 5 mins
he's like damn hot okay
okay okay enough bout him
i can still imagine what he looks like
k k hmmm so we discussed the speech
grace sister was there
so typical st nicks girl
so we accompanied her to get some stuff
and went home
so i finished up my speech
then i'm here
and i'm tired
so i'm gonnna sleep
last thing.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
-abert einstein-